

Thomas Anthony Kay 於西元 2005 年 9 月 26 日死亡。他的遺產管理人來信通知我,Thomas Anthony Kay 的遺囑,要將六百一十萬美金贈與我。用力回想,為了六百一十萬美金我拼命用力回想;很遺憾,我從未聽說這個人。管理人又在信中表示,Mr. Kay 早年常常到外國旅遊,因此結識我。有可能喔!多年前,公司請了一個英文教師加強員工的語文能力,他是個外國人。會不會就是這位好心的外國人,要送我六百一十萬美金。

我決定向無所不知的 GOOGLE 求助,結果真的找到一個位於英國倫敦的網站,是一個律師事務所的網站;網站上也有遺產管理人 Adam Witkover 的介紹。越來越像真的了。

信尾,遺產管理人 Adam Witkover 強調,這筆遺產交給我,是要我用在慈善事業。真是偉大的情操。

仔細再把信看了一遍,發現來信都沒提到我的姓名。如果 Mr. Kay 認識我,為何沒有提到我的名字。這封信還是有漏洞的。

當時我擔心 Adam Witkover 的名字被壞人利用了,所以我就寫了一封信給 Adam Witkover,提醒他 有人用他的名字作壞事,但是他都沒有回我的信。

From Stokes, Betty Mon Oct 6 21:31:44 2008Return-Path:

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Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Subject: This is my third email to you

Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2008 07:31:44 -0600

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Bross Bennett Chambers Stable House,

64A Highgate High Street, London N6 5HX.


We write you from Bross Bennett Chambers , London .We are the Trustees and Executor of the estate of Thomas Anthony Kay (Late) Chairman of the National Autistic Society, London . I am writing this email once more as my previous email was not delivered . I wish to notify you that Thomas Anthony who died on September 26, 2005 had made you a beneficiary in his WILL.

He left the sum of Six Million, one Hundred Thousand Dollars (USD$6,100.000.00) to you in the codicil and last testament of his WILL. We know this sound unbelievable to you,but it is real and true.Thomas Anthony (Tony) Kay was born in New Zealand in 1936 and being a widely traveled man, he had earlier informed us that he met you sometime in the past and you were nominated to him by one of his numerous friends abroad who wished you good after your nice gesture to Thomas Anthony Kay and his friend.

Thomas Anthony Kay until his death was the chairman of the National Autistic Society, London . He was a very dedicated christian who loved to give out alms to the poor,hungry and needy. His great philanthropy earned him numerous awards during his life time. Late Thomas Anthony died of cancer on September 26, 2005, aged 68, and his WILL is now ready for execution after 2 years of thorough investigations.

According to him, this money is to support your humanitarian/medical activities and to help the poor and the needy in our society. Please if I reach you as I am hopeful, endeavor to get back to me as soon as possible to enable me conclude my job. I hope to hear from you in no distant time.

Note: You are advised to contact me with my personal email address below:

Email: bross_bennett@live.com  
Phone: +44 704 576 9386

Yours in Service,

Adam Witkover
Bross Bennett Chambers, London


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