
律師 Peter 要送我 980萬英鎊

倫敦的律師 Peter Johnson Esq. 來信,提到他有一名客戶死亡,留下大筆遺產 980萬英鎊,找不到後代領取,最後可能會被銀行充公。他提議將這筆錢轉匯給我,然後兩人朋分這筆錢,我可以拿 40%。最後還保證這筆錢的轉匯絕對是合法的,要我放心。偷別人的錢,竟然會是合法的,真奇怪。

我用 GOOGLE 查詢 "Peter Johnson Esq",結果發現此名已經傳用多年,網路上稱之為 419 詐騙(又稱 奈及利亞詐騙 或 西非詐騙),419 之名源自此類案件的刑事起訴案號。這類詐騙案的要點就是,先以此信引誘人性的貪念,當有人起了貪念,回信給律師 Peter Johnson,律師 Peter 就會要求先付一些費用;例如手續費,匯費,稅金等等。有時候騙徒還會先寄給受害人支票,以加強被害人信心,但是被害人付了各種費用後,卻還是拿不到錢。

這類詐騙最早可以追溯到 1980 年代,當時都是使用傳真機遞送詐騙信,現在則發展到使用網信。二十年不死的詐騙手法,這說明了有死屍就有禿鷹,有笨蛋就有騙子。

Inheritance fund. 2009/3/11(三) 上午7:25

From Attorney Peter Johnson Esq. Wed Mar 11 07:25:30 2009
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From: "Attorney Peter Johnson Esq."
To: peterjo20088@googlemail.com
Subject: Inheritance fund.
Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 15:25:30 -0800
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From The Desk:
Attorney Peter Johnson Esq.
London-England Uk.

I am Attorney Peter Johnson an account operator to late (Mr. Michael A. John)a nationality of your country who unfortunately died on the Terrorist attack in Liverpool London on the dated 7th July 2005. Since the death of (Mr. Michael A. John)I as his account operator have made several enquiries to locate his relations to come up for the inheritance claim, without any success.

I came across your name and contact on the course of my personal searching for my late client relations/next of kin so I decided to contact you for this project. I am contacting you to assist in securing the wealth left behind in a fixed deposit account by my late client before they get confiscated or declared unserviceable by the bank where my late client operates an account The board of Directors of the bank has issued and spread a notice that after 2 months from now and no relation shown up for the claiming of the said funds, the funds will be confiscated and declared unserviceable.

Since The board of Directors of the bank have been unsuccessful in locating my client relatives for sometime now, it's on this note that I seek your consent to present you as the relation/next of kin to my late client that the proceed of this deposit can be released into your account. The amount deposited (GBP 9.8M) also i believed with interest (GBP 9.8m) I will agree with you on 40% for you while 60% for me. I guarantee that this transaction will be executed under a legitimate arrangement which will protect you from any breach of the law. Upon your response, furnish me with:

Your full name and address
Your telephone and fax numbers
Your occupation and age

As soon as I receive all these information from you I will present it to the bank Directors that I have locate the relation to my late client since they asked that I should provide the next of kin for them to release the inheritance fund. Let me hear from you once you acknowledge my email. My alternative email address is

Yours faithfully,
Attorney Peter Johnson Esq.


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